
Good evening, one and all. Bit of sad news for those who are following the adventures of Krev et al, but it is fairly good news for me, so I’m on the happier side of ambivalent. This stems from something that happened after a DnD session recently and, if you’ll indulge me, I’ll explain. Our […]

Chapter 3: And so, it begins…

The beach had been dead since the Weeping Maiden beached herself and started spreading its corruption across the fields of Hartford. But as the Van Herrings set their first foot on the deck, a single bird cry echoed over the overcast sky. Caelynn looked aloft. Cleric of city and hive she might be, but no-one […]

Chapter 2

Gurdis was shaking her head as she walked down the trampled, muddy streets of Hartford. There wasn’t much to commend the town as dawn broke. Most everyone from the generously titled war party had traipsed back to their homes and hovels and were putting together approximations of breakfast with the robotic motions of those who […]

Session 5, Chapter 1

The beach was crowded with people mostly asleep on their feet. As it became apparent that they weren’t going to run screaming at the foe that very second, the tension left the villagers of Hartford, like a sandcastle of adrenaline washed away by the tidal wave of exhaustion. Within a few minutes, fires had been […]

Session 4: Destiny and Decisions

Today, I’m going to try a little experiment. In previous sessions, I’ve split them up to between 3 and 8 chapters depending, and I’ll be perfectly honest, on how pissed and ineffectual we were as adventurers. Despite this good intention, I’ve noticed that the word count has been creeping up each week. So big hairy […]

Chapter 3.

It was at this point that Gurdis and Caelynn made it downstairs, holding a protesting halfling, and then the argument could really get started. “You can’t possibly be considering…” “Necromancy, murder, slavery. It’s not simple, nor is it common bloody sense…” …Evil, plain and simple.” “…Did you not hear my bit about recycling?” “Enslaving the […]

Chapter 2 -Is Shabash evil? No, Rum is evil

“This cannot be the way I go out,” thought Gurdis to herself. “Not clinging to a screaming halfling with bruised trouserfruit atop a damn mast.” A treacherous little voice reminded her that this wouldn’t be the last. Hitting the deck like a red-haired cannonball would be the very last. And if she was unlucky or […]

Session 3, Chapter 1

The last wisps and flinders of the night burnt off in the weak rays of dawn as Greyherald harbour slipped under the horizon like a burglar dipping under a window casement. The Lady creaked over one wave into the trough of the next with a reassuring orchestra of wooden noise, like an old house settling […]

Chapter 7 – When quests intertwine

As Siegfraud brushed off the miniscule amount of damage done to him by the Van Herrings, Shabash’s last dying wail of heat metal fell away to silence, and the others stopped Krev chewing the lintels and explained in kindly terms that they were no longer fighting. “Hartford, eh?” said Seebo in a pensive way. “Where […]

Chapter 6. Mistakes were made…

“I mean, for gods’ sake. Right here, on the actual stage, in front of the whole guild, trying to poison a flask which everyone knows can’t be poisoned? What sort of remedial assassin class did they pick you up from? I feel faintly insulted.” Seebo swallowed, and hoped maybe he might could remember some fragment […]